Monday, January 23, 2017

Santorini - 30 seconds and GO!

One of the greatest games (and surprises for me) of 2016 that I had the opportunity to play was Santorini. This is a very great strategy game for 2-4 players, although I fully recommend sticking with two.

The rules are simple: move and then build. When moving, you can place one of your builders into an adjacent space. This can include moving up one level onto a building that has been placed there previously, off of a building that your builder may be standing on, or just into an empty space where nothing has been placed previously. When building, you can place a building level next to the builder that was moved. The game ends once someone has reached the third level with one of their builders.

I really enjoyed the powers that were included for the different players. Each player assumes the role of a god or goddess, along with comes powers which aid in the game play. With over 30 characters to choose from, Santorini offers a lot of replay-ability.

One thing that really drew my attention when I first saw this game was the board itself. The 3-D cliff component is so stable and appealing that it really deepens the theme for this game. Apart from the game being solid and the components being excellent, the wonderfully designed board is quite a treat!

Overall, this game has easily become one of my favorite two-player games. It's easy to learn (30 seconds max) and can be tricky to play. Definitely a keeper on our game shelf.

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