Sunday, January 31, 2016

Get Lucky

I personally love the Doctor Lucky games (Get Lucky, Kill Doctor Lucky, and Save Doctor Lucky). This one really surprised my wife and I with just how good it is. We got it as a wedding present and didn't play it for months. When we finally did, it quickly jumped to the top of our favorite card games. We wished we would have started playing it sooner.

Get Lucky is a "lighthearted card game about murdering an old man in his house." Whenever I tell someone this they are surprised, but intrigued. This is a wonderful game for the whole family. It also plays very well as a two-player game. Most of the game (at least in our house) is used collecting items and making your characters stronger, that by the end of the game it is nothing less than an exciting war that's been waged to see who can kill the old man. It's fun, hilarious, and don't forget to read the characters' bios about why they want to kill the old man.

Get this game and see if you too can Get Lucky!

I Love Board Games

A few years ago I was introduced to the world of board games. It was a copy of Forbidden Desert that did me in, and I swear it was as if I had stumbled through the wardrobe and landed in Narnia (Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis...) There was a whole other world of games past Monopoly, Sorry, and Scrabble that I just never knew existed.

Now, years later, I have continued to build up my collection of games. I love to teach people how to play games that they've never seen or heard of. It is so much fun, and I love doing it. This blog will be an expression of my love for games, and just how cool they are.