Friday, October 20, 2017

In Review: The Prodigals Club

"This is the role of a proper Victorian gentleman: to acquire valuable property, to attend formal dinners, and to impress influential people. In other words, the proper Victorian gentleman is intolerably dull. Maybe it's time to have a little fun.

"You compete in three distinct endeavors: trying to lose an election, trying to get rid of all your possessions, or trying to offend the most influential people in high society. Each competition has its own module. You can play any two in combination or play all three simultaneously. Each module interacts with the other two. To win you will need to balance your strategy and compete well in all areas."

The Prodigals Club has easily become one of my favorite board games over this past year. The overall theme and idea is great, the art is humorous, and the game itself is a very solid euro game that offers a good workout for the brain.

Easy to learn — might seem overwhelming, but the rule book is well-written
Great artwork
There are always options on your turn
Can be played with Last Will

A few members of our group had long moments of AP (Analysis Paralysis)
Setup and take-down time — not terribly fast or slow
Playtime can be up to 90 minutes, which is an issue for some people. Our group was fine with it.

Check out Rahdo's gameplay runthrough of The Prodigals Club below: